The new regulatory framework

By Resolution no. 321/23/CONS operative as of January 31, 2024, supplementing the Regulation for the protection of copyright online (Resolution No. 680/13/CONS), the Communications Guarantee Authority introduces for all ISPs the obligation to implement on their network a selective blackout of digital content, sports and otherwise, published in the so-called Piracy Shield system, the platform specially created by AGCOM to send in a protected and confidential mode addresses and domains of illegal sites to be blocked.
The same resolution stipulates that blocking must occur within 30 minutes after the new addresses are listed. In case of non-compliance, providers are subject to administrative penalties.


The technical and operational environment of ISPs

Use of the platform compulsorily involves an accreditation procedure by both reporters and Internet Service Providers, following which credentials for access can be obtained. (Different credentials are provided for a test environment and the production environment.)
This procedure can be performed through SPID directly on the AGCOM website.

Rights holders, as accredited signalers (to date Dazn, Lega Serie A, Lega Serie B, RTI), can send to Piracy Shield FQDN and IP addresses that transmit content in violation of Copyright.
After verification, the platform updates the list of sites to be blocked and sends it to accredited operators via ticket.

ISPs are required to “execute the Authority’s measures without any delay and, in any case, within a maximum period of thirty minutes from the notification, by disabling DNS resolution of domain names and routing of network traffic to IP addresses or otherwise taking the necessary technological and organizational measures to make the abusively disseminated content not usable by end users”.
It is also required that the confirmation of blocking should also be forwarded in response to the report ticket within the 30 minutes.

Vayu’s solution: a Zero Thoughts service.

Vayu takes care of following the provider step-by-step through all the necessary steps to implement the service, from accreditation on the AGCOM portal to the configuration of blocking automatisms via BGP.

Most importantly, it takes care to keep constant monitoring of the proper functioning of the platform, alerting the provider to any problems that require official communication to AGCOM as required by regulation.

The solution also includes an integrated dashboard within the R4I Software that enables ticket tracking.

Radius4ISP: what it is, where it originates, and more
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Radius4ISP: what it is, where it originates, and more
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It also ensures timely interventions designed to apply the software changes that become necessary as a result of the inevitable updates that AGCOM will apply to its platform.

For more information contact or view the Radius4ISP data sheet


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