About Us

We bring innovation to products and processes for the Fixed and Wireless Access market

The partner you’ve always been looking for

Our ambition is to position ourselves as a strategic partner in creating telecommunications solutions, tailored to the Operators’ scale, the target market, and the expressed needs and goals. We aim to transmit ideas and knowledge, helping you work more consciously, intelligently, and punctually with the tools at your disposal.

Our Values


With an “agile” approach, we support Operators in project phases, implementation, and optimization of network infrastructure at all levels. We guarantee the transfer of necessary know-how and transform any difficulty into an opportunity.


We strive to make ourselves superfluous by optimizing infrastructure management, allowing Operators to focus on equally strategic aspects for their business growth.


Our multidisciplinary team analyzes clients’ needs and proposes solutions that best satisfy them. We define costs, commitments, and timelines upfront. Maintaining an “agnostic” approach to solutions because Vayu is not a reseller.


Vayu supports clients across various complexity scenarios, aiming to create value, build lasting relationships, and establish strategic agreements to enhance competitiveness.


Working with diverse clients, each with varying network equipment, we provide advice and support in evaluating products and technological brands, aligning them with the client’s operational reality.


We handle system commissioning, testing, fine-tuning, network equipment deployment, project management, and logistics for nationwide project delivery.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

N. Mandela


Our team consists of professionals whose primary goal is to accompany and support clients in achieving their business objectives.

Mario Forgione

Chief Executive Officer

Maria Caterina Bernardo

Assistant Admin Office

Davide Stefanoni

Head of R&D

Luca Varlese

Chief Technology Officer

Emanuele Bianchi

Network Specialist

Andrea Zinghirino

Network Support

Emanuela Bevilacqua

Head of Voice Engineering

Marco Serra

Chief Operating Officer

Alain Serrano Naranjo


Liliana Garcia Arzuaga

Customer Support

Stefania Imperiali

Sales Account

Maria Rosa Pascazio

Customer Support